Participation in the course

Student Agreement

The Student Agreement provides the details of the relationship between the parties; and defines the rights and obligations for both parties associated with their participation in the IMAgein programme for the total duration of the educational programme. This document will be signed at the beginning of the programme by the student and the Programme Coordinator.

Transfer of credits and transcripts of records

The IMAgein joint curriculum is based on the ECTS credits system. The procedure for transfer of credits, is as follows: The HEI where the student effectively attended the teaching modules sends the obtained marks of the student to the IMAgein Coordination Office (ICO) in due time, agreed upon by the IMAgein Board. HEIs partners, also in accordance with their national and/or local regulations, shall conduct examinations and assessments in accordance with the policies and procedures in place at the HEIs without prejudice to those adopted by the IMAgein Board. The students are bound to the examination regulations and criteria of the HEI where they attend the teaching modules. No later than the start of each semester HEI partners provide all students with the local examination regulations. All modules are weighted according to the ECTS system and in conformity to national regulations on this. HEIs partners accept differences in national and/or local regulations among the Partner Institutions concerning awarding ECTS credits and they recognize the number of ECTS credits awarded by other HEIs in the Degree Programme without further conversion. All grades shall be converted and recognized in conformity with the joint conversion table for grades as established.

Examination and Evaluation

At the end of each academic year the IB will review the study performance status of each student and advises on continuation of the programme in accordance with the regulations at each university. Students should have validated 60 ECTS in the first year to be accepted in the second year. Students with very weak study performance (decided by the examination and programme board) may lose their scholarship or may be advised to end their study. Students who quit the IMAgein Joint Programme early but have successfully completed courses will get a certificate stating the courses for which they have earned credits. For each teaching module, the locally obtained grade per student, as well as the ECTS grade will be communicated to the ICO. Conversion of the local grades to ECTS standard scale, according to a previously agreed upon conversion table (Annex 12) will be done. After approval by the programme board, converted scores will be edited into an official transcript of records by the ICO and communicated to the students. The ICO will deal with administrative procedures regarding mutual HEIs ECTS recognition in order to provide the HEI to attribute the local Master diploma to the IMAgein student. When a student has obtained all necessary credits and successfully defended the Master Thesis, the official diplomas and diploma supplement corresponding to the achieved curriculum are issued by the HEIs in which the student has been registered and Consortium Coordination, respectively.

Master Thesis and Deliverable Innovation Report

 The Master Thesis can be carried out at any full or associate partner institution or any other previously agreed upon welcoming structure, providing an academic validation has been issued by the IMAgein Board. IMAgein and all HEI partners will recognize the obtained ECTS and grades and convert them if needed as described above for other semesters. The Master Thesis report and oral presentation will correspond to the evaluation of S4. Though the student is allowed to do her/his master in a structure independent of the HEI partners where she/he is officially registered, the Consortium partners agreed that the student will be evaluated by the same procedures defined in the local Master programmes of the HEI each student is officially associated to in S4. However, at least one representative of the HEIs having hosted the student and delivering their master diploma should be invited to be a referee for the written report and to the oral presentation jury. Additionally, during the S4 each student needs to do a short report (10 pages maximum) in which the student translates the Master Thesis Project into a Deliverable Innovation with societal impact. The report will be sent to the IB until end of June (S4). The IB together with representatives of the Innovation Departments of IMAgein Partners will evaluate this report. This is a criterium to obtain the Diploma Supplement (detailed below). A formal presentation of the Deliverable Innovation will happen in the occasion of the summer week (Kick-off bootcamp for the first year and Outreach for the second year), allowing the exchange between students at different steps of the IMAgein joint programme.



In the case of failure on one exam, a provisional validation of the corresponding mobility may be granted. The final validation shall be conditional upon retaking and successfully passing the exam.