Université Côte d'Azur (UniCA)

In addition to the Joint education program, the students will enroll in the local master. First semester consist in 5 teaching modules (4 compulsory and 1 free choice). Modules content description is presented in the curriculum table. and second semester  is dedicated to a  5 months internship in a research laboratory.
At the end of the year the student will be able to:
  • Describe the major theories that explain the process of aging, being critical regarding the evaluation and comparison of the different theories, thus developing an understanding of the aging process.
  • The student should be able to discuss the molecular mechanisms underlying cellular aging, including the role of DNA damage, telomeres damage and cellular senescence.
  • Define tissue homeostasis and its importance in maintaining the balance of cell proliferation and cell death in tissues.
  • Explore the cellular and molecular mechanisms that contribute to physiological regeneration and tissue maintenance and its potential application for treating neurodegenerative diseases, injuries and age-related conditions.
  • Understand how different tissues respond to injury and the key cellular events, including inflammation, proliferation, and tissue remodeling.
  • Explain the role of stem cells in ageing.
  • The students should be able to summarize the changes stem cell undergo with age and the consequences of the stem cell exhaustion for the human organism Define and explain the fundamental processes of membrane transport, including passive and active transport mechanisms, based on membrane properties and transport proteins.
  • The students should be able to understand the role of membrane transport in maintaining cellular homeostasis.
  • Describe bioelectric systems and their role in cellular signaling and communication, discussing the principles of ion channels and electrical signaling in the context of bioelectric systems in physiology and pathological conditions.
  • Review current technologies and methodologies used in studying membrane transport and bioelectric systems at the molecular level.
  • Present a foundational understanding of different types of biological data, including genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics.
  • Be proficient in using Python for biological data analysis, including basic programming concepts, data structures, and control flow, having the ability to implement basic tools in Python for specific biological questions or tasks.
  • Be proficient in various laboratory techniques, methodologies, and experimental procedures relevant to the specific field of study.
  • The student will be able to design and plan experiments, including hypothesis formulation, identification of variables, and consideration of controls, collect and analyze experimental data.
  • Enhance written and oral communication skills by documenting experimental procedures, recording results and presenting findings to peers or supervisors.
Semester 1
Partner University Module title ECTS Module status* Description
Université Côte d'Azur Hallmarks and theories of aging 6 Compulsory Definitions and visions on ageing from different disciplines, main theories on aging, molecular bases of cellular ageing (molecular damages, telomeres, senescence,…) 
Université Côte d'Azur Regeneration, repair and tissues homeostasis 6 Compulsory This course aims to define tissue homeostasis (physiological regeneration) and its underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms, describe injury induced tissue repair and regeneration, explore the concepts of stem cells, maintenance, renewal and trans-differentiation, and confront these concepts to the challenges of aging and regenerative medicine 
Université Côte d'Azur Physiology of Aging 6 Compulsory The course is focused on physiological changes associated to ageing at the biological systems level 
Université Côte d'Azur Introduction to computational sciences 6 Compulsory This module focuses on the basics of biological data management and programming with Python to create analysis tools and pipelines
Université Côte d'Azur Molecular endocrinology and physiopathology 6 Free choice This course addresses the endocrinological controls of organismal homeostasis through hormone receptors and biological rhythms in physiological and pathological contexts
Université Côte d'Azur Fundamental immunology 6 Free choice Course centered on the basics and methods in immunology, the main actors and mechanisms of adaptative immune response. 
Université Côte d'Azur Signalling, Membrane transport and Pathologies 6 Free choice This module addresses the dysfunction of membrane receptors at the origin of pathologies classically associated with membrane electrical activity (cardiac pathologies, epilepsy). However, it goes far beyond this framework by exploring the emerging role of ion channels and membrane transporters in more unexpected processes such as carcinogenesis, development or even the immune response. 
Université Côte d'Azur Technology transfer and entrepreneurship 3 Free choice The aim of this module is to learn the processes that lead from research results to the marketing of a product, acquire notions of intellectual property (IP) and entrepreneurial and managerial logics 
Semester 2
1st year Internship and thesis
Partner University Module title ECTS Module Status* Description
Université Côte d'Azur 1st year Internship and thesis 24 Compulsory Laboratory research, written report, oral defense.
Université Côte d'Azur Joint IMAgein activities and transversal skills 6 Compulsory See joint activities descriptions 

University of Cologne (UoC)

In addition to the Joint education program, the students will enroll in the local master. First semester consists in Lecture and Seminar Modules on genetics and ageing research plus two additional research areas of students’ choice. Second semester allows students to deepen their knowledge and experimental practice in genetics, mitochondrial functions or human diseases mechanisms depending on their choice of 2 Subject Modules.
At the end of the year the student will be able to:
  • Present a deep understanding of the latest techniques and methods used in functional genomics, genetics, cell and molecular biology, and imaging, being able to apply state-of-the-art methods to study biological systems at the cellular and molecular levels.
  • Be able to analyse and interpret complex data generated by modern genomics, genetic and imaging technologies.
  •  Explain how the integration of functional genomics, genetics, cell and molecular biology, and imaging contributes to a comprehensive understanding of cell and tissue functions.
  • Define the structure and function of biological molecules, cellular structures, and cellular processes implicated in the ageing process.
  • Explain key concepts in modern genetics, including inheritance patterns, gene regulation, and genetic variation. The student should be able to explore the role of genetics in determining cellular functions and organismal traits.
  • Describe the basic principles and theories that explain the process of aging. The student should be able to discuss the molecular mechanisms underlying cellular aging, including the role of DNA damage, telomeres damage and cellular senescence.
  • Review approaches and model system used for studying ageing and illustrate these with examples
  • Describe how global methylation, histone modifications, chromatin remodeling, transcriptional noise, RNA processing aberrations, impaired DNA repair, and chromosomal instability are implicated in ageing
  • Define how the proteasome, lysosome, autophagy, and chaperones systems impact protein (re)folding and aggregation in ageing.
  • Summarize how mitochondrial dysfunction are implicated in ageing
  • Be proficient in various laboratory techniques, methodologies, and experimental procedures relevant to the specific field of study. The student will be able to design and plan experiments, including hypothesis formulation, identification of variables, and consideration of controls, collect and analyze experimental data.
  • Enhance written and oral communication skills by documenting experimental procedures, recording results and presenting findings to peers or supervisors.
Semester 1
Partner University Module title ECTS Module Status* Description
University of Cologne Seminar Module: Modern Techniques and Approaches in Aging Research 6 Compulsory Seminar about the concepts of state-of-the-art methods of functional genomics, genetics, cell and molecular biology and imaging, and their applications to study and understand cell and tissue functions in physiology and disease 
University of Cologne Lecture Module 1: Principles of Molecular Genetics, Development and Aging 6 Compulsory Lecture about principles and mechanisms of molecular and cellular biology and key concepts in modern genetics and aging research.
University of Cologne Lecture Module 2 or 3: Computational Biology 6 Free choice between lectures 2 and 3 Lecture about about the fundamentals of bioinformatics/computational biology (BICB), important concepts and algorithms in BICB, further bioinformatic tools as well as quantitative approaches and methods with other fields of biology  
University of Cologne Lecture Module 2 or 3: Ecology, Evolution, and Environment 6 Free choice between lectures 2 and 3 Lecture about ecological theory and methods and further on the analysis of experimental data from field and laboratory studies, the ecology of species, populations and communities, current aspects of evolution in ecological systems, and their relationships to the aquatic, terrestrial and chemical environment.
University of Cologne Lecture Module 2 or 3: Neuroscience 6 Free choice between lectures 2 and 3 Lecture about neural functions and mechanisms from the cellular to the behavioural level, important concepts and developments in the neurosciences 
University of Cologne Lecture Module 2 or 3: Advanced Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine 6 Free choice between lectures 2 and 3 Lecture about advanced concepts and technologies related to the molecular basis of biochemical principles, as well as important concepts in biochemistry such as reaction mechanisms, molecular basis of diseases, development and use of model systems and key technologies 
University of Cologne Lecture Module 2 or 3: Molecular Plant and Microbial Sciences 6 Free choice between lectures 2 and 3 Lecture about advanced concepts and technologies related to the molecular basis of plant and microbe functions, current discourse on molecular biological methods in molecular plant and microbial sciences, developments in the area of molecular biology including those within a socio-economic context. Students will be able to contribute to social debate 
University of Cologne Joint IMAgein activities or Elective Module to be defined with local supervisor 6 Compulsory Supplementary module of variable content; individually arranged
Semester 2
Partner University Module title ECTS Module Status* Description
University of Cologne Mitochondria and Neurodegeneration 12 1st slot choice Subject module 1: this module focuses on the understanding and investigation methods of mitochondrial biology and dysfunctions
University of Cologne Molecular mechanisms of Human Diseases 12 1st slot choice Subject module 1: this module focuses on the understanding of investigation methods and models to study human diseases.
University of Cologne Molecular Genetics 12 1st slot choice Subject module 1: this module focuses on state-of-the art molecular methods with emphasis on RNA biology that are commonly used in the field of molecular cell biology
University of Cologne Posttranslational Regulation Proteins 12 1st slot choice Subject module 1: this module focuses on the understanding protein research and the role of posttranslational regulation of protein activity, localization, stability and interaction properties
University of Cologne Advanced Light and Electron Microscopy 12 1st slot choice Subject module 1: this module focuses on gaining insight into state-of-the art methodologies the course will start with a combination of a lecture series and hands-on experience introducing different techniques
University of Cologne Epithelia and Stem Cells in Development, Homeostasis and Disease 12 2nd slot choice Subject module 2: this module focuses on mechanisms regulating different pathways and functional implications of different pathways or regulated cell death in inflammation and immunity, as well as in the pathogenesis of inflammatory and degenerative diseases of regulated cell death including apoptosis, necroptosis, pyroptosis and ferroptosis
University of Cologne Functional Genomic 12 2nd slot choice Subject module 2: this module focuses on genome regulation in physiology and disease
University of Cologne Cell Death in Inflammation, Immunity and Disease 12 2nd slot choice Subject module 2: this module focuses on development, physiology, and homeostatic maintenance of epithelial tissues and the role of stem cells in epithelial regeneration, wound healing, aging, and disease states across different model systems
University of Cologne Mitochondrial Proteins: Biogenesis, Networks and Functional Decline 12 2nd slot choice Subject module 2: this module focuses on biogenesis and function of different cellular organelles especially mitochondria an on general protein synthesis, folding, homeostasis and degradation with an emphasis on mitochondrial proteins
University of Cologne Microbial Genetics 12 2nd slot choice Subject module 2: this module focuses on microbial genetics and the cellular repertoire of Yeast and Escherichia coli to regulate gene and protein function as well as to respond to stress and environmental signals
University of Cologne Molecular Human Genetics 12 2nd slot choice Subject module 2: this module focuses on modern human genetics methods and state-of-the art molecular genetics and molecular biology
University of Cologne Laboratory Module 12 Any time Subject module 2: this module focuses on the individual research areas of the chosen laboratory of CECAD
University of Cologne Joint IMAgein activities or Elective Module to be defined with local supervisor 6 Compulsory Supplementary module of variable content; individually arranged

University of Seville (USE)

In addition to the Joint education program, the students will enroll in the local master. First year at the University of Seville corresponds to the Master degree in Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology. Semester 1 is composed of lectures on genetics, genomic structures and molecular alterations. Semester 2 is dedicated to research training and relies on a first year master thesis work with a 6 months internship in academic- or industry-based laboratories or innovative structure with CRO activities.
At the end of the year the student will be able to:
  • Define high-throughput OMICs technologies such as genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics, understanding the principles behind data generation in OMICs experiments.
  • Be able to acquire and integrate large-scale OMICs data sets.
  • Discuss how to retrieve, store and manipulate biological data from various sources.
  • Be proficient in applying common analytical technicques used in the analysis of large-scale OMICs data, including statistical analysis, data normalization and quality control.
  • Review fundamental concepts in computational biology, including algorithm development, data structures, and algorithmic complexity, by exploring the role of computational methods in solving biological problems.
  • Explain the multifactorial nature of healthy aging, considering genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors and how factors such as diet, exercise, and social engagement contribute to positive aging outcomes.
  • Describe model organisms commonly used in biomedical research, explaining the characteristics that make an organism suitable as a model for specific types of research.
  • Discuss practical considerations such as ease of maintenance, cost, and ethical considerations associated with each model organism. The student should be able to understand how these factors impact the feasibility of using a particular organism in a research setting.
  • Explain the principles and concepts of cell therapy, defining and differentiating between various types of cell therapy approaches.
  • Present foundational knowledge about different types of stem cells, including embryonic stem cells, adult stem cells, and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), an understand the characteristics and potential applications of different stem cell types in cell therapy.
  • Be proficient in various laboratory techniques, methodologies, and experimental procedures relevant to the specific field of study. The student will be able to design and plan experiments, including hypothesis formulation, identification of variables, and consideration of controls, collect and analyze experimental data.
  • Enhance written and oral communication skills by documenting experimental procedures, recording results and presenting findings to peers or supervisors.
Semester 1
Partner University Module title ECTS Module Status* Description
University of Seville Omics technologies, functional genomics and Bioinformatics  4 Compulsory Basic concepts on the acquisition, integration and analysis of large-scale OMICs data. Also, notions on computational biology and programming for biologists. 
University of Seville Epigenetic 4 Free choice In depth revision of the knowledge on epigenetics in different biological setups, including aging. 
University of Seville Cell cycle and Differentiation 4 Free choice Molecular basis of cell cycle control, including the cell cycle oscillator and cell cycle checkpoints. Consequences of cell cycle deregulation. 
University of Seville Genome structure and dynamics 4 Free choice Molecular description of the mechanism that ensure genomic stability. Consequences of failures in such mechanisms. 
University of Seville Molecular genetics in biomedical model organisms 4 Compulsory Notions of the different model organisms available for biomedical research, including pros and cons of each one. 
University of Seville Biochemical and physiological basis of aging and its control 4 Compulsory Molecular control of aging. Aging related diseases. 
University of Seville Signal Transduction 4 Free choice Molecular bases of managing information and integration at multicellular level 
University of Seville
Cell therapy and regenerative medicine
4 Compulsory Introduction to cell therapy and stem cells. Examples of cell therapy in different tissues. 
University of Seville Valorization and knowledge transfer 4 Compulsory Basic skills set on how to valorize research outputs. 
University of Seville Lifestyle, chronic diseases and healthy aging 4 Compulsory Description of “healthy aging” versus “pathological aging”. Discussion about how lifestyle affects aging. 
University of Seville Joint IMAgein activities and transversal skills 6 Compulsory See joint activities descriptions 
Semester 2
Partner University Module title ECTS Module Status* Description
University of Seville 1st year Internship and thesis 30 Compulsory Laboratory research, written report, oral defense.


University of Coimbra (UC)

In addition to the Joint education program, the students will enroll in the local master. First year at University of Coimbra aims at equipping students with a multidisciplinary scientific background suitable to understand emerging questions in Biology and Biomedicine at the molecular, cellular and systems levels with a specific expertise in disease mechanisms and innovative therapies in ageing.Teachings in Semesters 1 and 2 are organized along intensive 3-4 week-long modules. 
At the end of the year the student will be able to:
  • Present a solid understanding of central concepts in cell regulation at the molecular level.
  • Define key cellular processes, including cell cycle regulation, signal transduction, and gene expression. 
  • Explain the principles and applications of techniques such as PCR, Western blotting, immunofluorescence, and molecular cloning.
  • Define the molecular mechanisms underlying gene regulation and expression, being able to explain the role of transcription factors, enhancers, and epigenetic modifications in controlling gene activity.
  • Summarize the regulation of the cell cycle and the checkpoints that ensure proper progression. The student should be able to correlate cell cycle dysregulation and diseases appearance, such as cancer.
  • Describe the major theories that explain the process of aging, being critical regarding the evaluation and comparison of the different theories, thus developing an understanding of the aging process.
  • Discuss the molecular mechanisms underlying cellular aging, including the role of DNA damage, telomeres damage and cellular senescence.
  • Define key concepts in cellular and molecular neurobiology, comprehending the basic principles underlying the structure and function of neurons and neural circuits.
  • Review molecular mechanisms of neurotransmission, including the processes involved in neurotransmitter synthesis, release, and receptor activation.
  • Explain concept of neuroplasticity and its molecular basis. The student should be able to discuss how neurons adapt and modify their structure and function in response to experiences.
  • Be proficient in various laboratory techniques, methodologies, and experimental procedures relevant to the specific field of study. The student will be able to design and plan experiments, including hypothesis formulation, identification of variables, and consideration of controls, collect and analyze experimental data.
  • Enhance written and oral communication skills by documenting experimental procedures, recording results and presenting findings to peers or supervisors.
Semester 1
Partner University Module title ECTS Module Status* Description
University of Coimbra Cell Regulation 6 Compulsory Central concepts in cell regulation, contact with experimental approaches routinely used when addressing scientific questions at the molecular cell biology level.
University of Coimbra Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology 6 Free choice Concepts in Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, and the experimental approaches routinely used when addressing scientific questions in this area. 
University of Coimbra Molecular Mechanisms of Disease 6 Free choice Mechanisms of Human Disease. Relationship between pathological and molecular basis of and processes in several diseases.
University of Coimbra Neuronal Circuits and Behavior 6 Free choice Systems neuroscience: from neuronal circuits and networks to complex mental functions and behavior (sensory perception, motor control, learning, states of consciousness, emotions, and decision-making 
University of Coimbra Laboratory Rotation I 6 Compulsory Students join research groups, for 4 weeks full-time, and participate in ongoing research projects 
University of Coimbra Methodologies in Cellular and Molecular Biology 4 Free choice Notions of methodologies broadly used in analysis at the cellular and molecular level.
University of Coimbra Joint IMAgein activities or Free choice from any other course at UC 6 Free choice A student may wish to enroll in any other curricular unit at UC (including PhD-level), max, to 6 ECTS, if approved by the coordinator.
Semester 2
Partner University Module title ECTS Module Status* Description
University of Coimbra Molecular Biology of Cancer 6 Free choice Molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying the carcinogenic process, as well as the foundations of the strategies used in the treatment of the disease.
University of Coimbra Neurobiology of Disease 6 Free choice Pathologies of the nervous system related with alterations in development, with neurodegenerative processes or with acute lesions of the nervous system.
University of Coimbra Ageing 6 Compulsory Knowledge on the mechanisms of ageing. Tools, models and open questions in ageing research.
University of Coimbra Neuroimmunology 3 Free choice Fundamental knowledge on immunology, neuroimmunology and neuroimmune pathologies that impact both the central and peripheric nervous systems.
University of Coimbra Computational Biology 6 Free choice Principles and fundamental strategies in Computational Biology
University of Coimbra Biostatistics and Experimental Design 4 Compulsory Fundamentals of descriptive statistics; estimation and hypothesis testing; steps and requirements for rigorous statistical analysis and study design.
University of Coimbra Scientific Writing 4 Compulsory Learning of scientific writing rules.
University of Coimbra Bioentrepreneurship and the creation of new ventures 6 Free choice Basic principles in the proposal, analysis, development and evaluation of a business concept.
University of Coimbra Laboratory Rotation II 6 Compulsory Students join research groups, for 4 weeks full-time, and participate in ongoing research projects 
University of Coimbra Research Plan in Cellular and Molecular Biology 4 Compulsory Development of skills to design a research proposal aimed at answering a scientific question.
University of Coimbra Joint IMAgein activities or Free choice from any other course at UC 6 Free choice A student may wish to enroll in any other curricular unit at UC (including PhD-level), max, to 6 ECTS, if approved by the coordinator.

Paris Sorbonne Université (SU)

The program is not available for the first year at Paris-Sorbonne University. It is only accessible in the second year.