MemBioMed’s two-year Master’s programme is designed to provide a top quality and highly integrated qualification with unique multi-discplinary research-oriented training in membrane biology. The academic programme is based on three existing, successful national master programmes in UniCa (France), UniGe (Italy) and UOS (Germany). Each partner's master degree is fully recognized and accredited by national accreditation agencies, according to national procedures. The EMJM has been designed to ensure academic continuity and complementarity with first cycle programmes and to ensure access to PhD opportunities as well as job opportunities in the private sector, throughout the consortium, within the EHEA and worldwide.
The curriculum is based on teaching modules already certified in the partner's local master´s programmes, namely:
- Master in Life Sciences (Université Côte d’Azur, UniCA)
- Master of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology (University of Genova, UniGe)
- Master of Science Nanosciences – Materials, Molecules and Cells (Osnabrück University, UOS)
These master's programmes cover important aspects of membrane biology, with a focus on fundamental membrane biochemistry and biophysics at UniCA, membrane neurobiology and biomedicine at UniGe, and bioanalytics and imaging of membrane properties at UOS. Building on these complementary strengths, we have developed a coherent curriculum that will train the most highly qualified and competent international specialists in the field of biomembranes. Together, we have defined a common core of knowledge, given that these skills are not all present in most existing master's programmes. We have grouped them together and supplemented them with new courses and essential additional skills.
A Masters programme focusing on biological membranes aims to equip students with a comprehensive set of learning outcomes. Based on the extensive experience of researchers and lecturers at our three universities, it has been defined that students should acquire a thorough understanding of the structure, function and physicochemical properties associated with biological membranes, knowledge of some fundamental differences between organisms, between tissues and between intracellular organelles in terms of membrane composition and properties. Students should gain an in-depth understanding of membrane-dependent cellular processes, such as cell signaling and membrane transport, under physiological and pathological conditions. Such a programme should also focus on the integration of messages by cells via cell membranes and the regulation of the cellular responses; this knowledge being fundamental for the development of new therapies. In addition, students are expected to master advanced analytical techniques, including electrophysiology, spectroscopy and microscopy, for in-depth study of biological membranes. Students are also expected to apply their knowledge to problem-solving scenarios by carrying out independent research projects. All this learning must be complemented by a mastery of scientific communication, both written and oral, in accordance with established standards. Finally, the integration of soft skills and economic and intercultural competencies will help to train professionals ready to succeed in more competitive and diversified environments.
The MemBioMed programme is a 2-year Master's programme, consisting of 4 semesters. Semesters 1, 2 and 3 are completed successively at the three partner universities, integrated into the local Master's programmes. Each partner institution has selected the most relevant and complementary teaching modules. Laboratory rotations/research project during each semester enable students to gain experience in a variety of research topics and methodologies. Semester 4 consists exclusively of a research project and the writing of the Master's thesis, which will be prepared in one of the partner institution's research laboratories or associated structures. Orientation events, such as the integration week, the kick-off day and the summer school, are designed to enrich the traditional modules with a fuller range of notions and techniques to better apprehend biomembrane-related projects in both fundamental and applied research contexts and to provide soft skills designed to meet the changing needs and expectations of the professional world (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Overall programme structure: starting out with an integration week, the cohort will sequentially study at UniCA (1st semester), UniGe (2nd semester) and UOS (3rd semester) before finalizing the programme with a master thesis in one of the partner´s labs.