Université Côte d'Azur (UniCA)

Second year in Université Côte d’Azur consists of a third semester, consisting in 5 teaching modules with weekly sessions across the whole semester and the fourth semester is dedicated to the Master Thesis work and internship.

At the end of the year the student will be able to:
  • Explain how the structural and functional changes that occur in the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) with aging impact cognitive functions and neural processing.
  • Discuss the interconnectedness of molecular and cellular alterations with physiological consequences at the organism level.
  • Create a corpus and define metadata related to a given working hypothesis.
  • Use appropriate statistical methods to fit any analytical needs
  • Programme a deep learning network for text classification
  • Extract linguistic information from the hidden layers of a deep learning network
  • Define high-throughput OMICs technologies such as genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics, understanding the principles behind data generation in OMICs experiments.
  • Be able to acquire and integrate large-scale OMICs data sets.
  • Be proficient in applying common analytical techniques used in the analysis of large-scale OMICs data, including statistical analysis, data normalization and quality control.
  • Review fundamental concepts in computational biology, including algorithm development, data structures, and algorithmic complexity, by exploring the role of computational methods in solving biological problems.
  • Be proficient in various laboratory techniques, methodologies, and experimental procedures relevant to the specific field of study. The student will be able to design and plan experiments, including hypothesis formulation, identification of variables, and consideration of controls, collect and analyze experimental data.
  • Enhance written and oral communication skills by documenting experimental procedures, recording results and presenting findings to peers or supervisors.
Semester 3
Partner University Module title ECTS Module status* Description
Université Côte d'Azur Gerosciences 6 Free choice Module linking the fundamental biology of ageing to gerontology and geriatrics. It focuses on the specifics of aged patient physiology, pathology, frailty and possible interventions. 
Université Côte d'Azur Neurophysiology of Aging 6 Compulsory The course is structured in three big topics: (1) age-related sensorial modifications (input), (2) age-related alterations of the central nervous system (integration and coordination) and age-related changes of the neuromuscular system (output). In the end of this course, the student will be able to integrate the multiple age-related modifications, correlating molecular and cellular alterations with physiological consequences at the organism level 
Université Côte d'Azur Nutrition, inflammation and metabolism 6 Free choice The objective of this teaching unit is to understand the regulations of the energy balance and the consequences of an unsuitable diet and/or physical activity on the appearance of chronic pathologies related to nutrition. 
Université Côte d'Azur Immuno-Pathology 6 Free choice Course focused on the specific immunity mechanisms related to different types of pathogens, auto-immune syndromes and cancer. 
Université Côte d'Azur Infectious microbiology and microbiota 6 Free choice Course focused on the fundamental mechanisms of microbial adaptation, viral infection, host response to pathogens and the nature and roles of the human intestinal microbiota 
Université Côte d'Azur Computational biology of omics data 6 This module aims at understanding the structures, issues and methodological relevance of omics data in scientific approaches and using available tools to extract information from publicly available and generated omics data 
Université Côte d'Azur Text analysis, deep learning and statistics 6 Statistical analysis based on historical methods and baseline calculations.

Deep learning, which proposes methods for classifying texts and identifying linguistic markers and patterns.
Université Côte d'Azur Animal experimentation training 3 Free choice This modules trains participants in carrying out experimental procedures using animals for scientific purposes in compliance with the regulations in force 
Université Côte d'Azur Scientific communication 3 Free choice This course provides methods for efficient bibliographic search, scientific media contents analysis and structuration, but also scientific data restitution through reports, posters, articles or oral presentations 
Université Côte d'Azur Technology transfer and entrepreneurship 3 Free choice The aim of this module is to learn the processes that lead from research results to the marketing of a product, acquire notions of intellectual property (IP) and entrepreneurial and managerial logics 
Université Côte d'Azur Initiation to Biological Image Processing 6 Free choice This module aims to train students in the basic manipulation of scientific images to understand how it affects results and to become autonomous and match laboratories expectations in terms of image processing. 
Université Côte d'Azur Advanced Biological Image Processing 6 Free choice This module aims to train students to more advanced manipulation of scientific images, to understand their limits and improve their mastery of image processing 
Université Côte d'Azur Joint IMAgein activities and transversal skills 6 Compulsory See joint activities descriptions
University of Cologne (UoC)
Second year in the University of Cologne is heavily focused on practical research training through the 2 Project Modules in semester 3 and the Master Thesis in semester 4 allowing students to combine expertise of up to 3 different laboratories during the year.

At the end of the year the student will be able to:
  • Be expert of chosen laboratory techniques, methodologies, and experimental procedures relevant to the specific field of study. The student will be able to independently design and plan experiments, including hypothesis formulation, identification of variables, and consideration of controls, collect and analyze experimental data.
  • Show highly developed skills in written and oral communication skills by documenting experimental procedures, recording results and presenting findings to peers or supervisors.
  • Present project management skills, including planning timelines, allocating resources, and setting realistic goals for the research project.
Semester 3
Partner University Module title ECTS Module Status* Description
University of Cologne Project Modules 1 12 Compulsory Experimental/computational research projects in research groups to prepare for the thesis: Internships in 1 to 2 out of 42 CECAD laboratories
University of Cologne Project Modules 2 12 Compulsory Experimental/computational research projects in research groups to prepare for the thesis: Internships in 1 to 2 out of 42 CECAD laboratories
University of Cologne Joint IMAgein activities or Elective Module to be defined with local supervisor 6 Compulsory Supplementary module of variable content; individually arranged
University of Seville (USE)
In addition to the Joint education program, the students will enroll in the local master. First year at the University of Seville corresponds to the Master degree in Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology. Semester 1 is composed of lectures on genetics, genomic structures and molecular alterations. Semester 2 is dedicated to research training and relies on a first year master thesis work with a 6 months internship in academic- or industry-based laboratories or innovative structure with CRO activities.
At the end of the year the student will be able to:
  • Discuss the principles and applications of nanomedicine and nanobiotechnology in the context of managing molecular and cellular aging and neurodegenerative processes.
  • Discuss specific challenges posed by aging-related processes in cells and tissues.
  • Summarize nanoparticles and drug delivery systems used in nanomedicine for targeted delivery of therapeutic agents to specific cells or tissues. The student should be able to debate advantages and limitations of different nanocarriers.
  • Explore the development and application of nanoscale biosensors and diagnostic devices for the detection of molecular and cellular changes associated with aging and neurodegeneration.
  • Explain nanoscale therapeutic strategies, including gene therapy, RNA interference, and other advanced approaches used in the management of aging-related processes and neurodegenerative disorders.
  • Possess comprehensive understanding of the principles and rationale behind the design of clinical studies in the context of biosciences. 
  • Summarize different types of clinical study designs, including observational studies, experimental studies, cross-sectional studies, cohort studies, and clinical trials.
  • Explore different methods of data collection used in biosciences, including surveys, interviews, clinical assessments, and laboratory tests.
  • Be expert of chosen laboratory techniques, methodologies, and experimental procedures relevant to the specific field of study. The student will be able to independently design and plan experiments, including hypothesis formulation, identification of variables, and consideration of controls, collect and analyze experimental data.
  • Show highly developed skills in written and oral communication skills by documenting experimental procedures, recording results and presenting findings to peers or supervisors.
Semester 3
Partner University Module title ECTS Module Status* Description
Université of Seville Cellular basis of pathology 4 Free choice Mechanistic insight of pathology with an emphasis in the rationale of therapeutic strategies  
Université of Seville Advanced therapies in aging/neurodegeneration 4 Compulsory Nanomedicine and nanobiotechnology for management of molecular and cellular aging/neurodegenerative processes  
Université of Seville Ethics in health management, research and innovation 4 Free choice Social, economic and professional aspects that guide research and innovation activities for aging societies 
Université of Seville Molecular basis of Immune regulation 4 Free choice Cellular and molecular mechanisms related to a smart manipulation of the immune responses
Université of Seville Technologies for the study of the cell function 4 Free choice In deep analysis of the basis and its application of modern fluorescence microscopy from regular confocal to super-resolution microscopy  
Université of Seville Computational Biomedicine 4 Free choice Design, rationale and implementation of algorithms for biomedical data analysis. Modelling pathologies.   
Université of Seville Biomedical engineering 4 Free choice Development and design of new technologies and medical instrumentation and imaging, including tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.
Université of Seville Methods in biomedical research 4 Compulsory Rationale for the design of clinical studies and statistical methodology in biosciences
Université of Seville Joint IMAgein activities and transversal skills 6 Compulsory See joint activities descriptions 
University of Coimbra (UC)
Second year in the University of Coimbra is characterized by a strong focus on experimental research work and research-oriented training. Semester 3 and 4 are joined and fully dedicated to research work and the MSc Dissertation, offering gain of practical skills through a long-term internship.

NB: The Master’s degree in Cellular and Molecular Biology at UC is planned for a curricular restructuring in 2025/26, aimed at separating S3 and S4, allowing students to perform academic or laboratory training in S3 and dedicated research and thesis dissertation in S4. 
At the end of the year the student will be able to:
  •  Be expert of chosen laboratory techniques, methodologies, and experimental procedures relevant to the specific field of study. The student will be able to independently design and plan experiments, including hypothesis formulation, identification of variables, and consideration of controls, collect and analyze experimental data.
  • Show highly developed skills in written and oral communication skills by documenting experimental procedures, recording results and presenting findings to peers or supervisors.
  • Present project management skills, including planning timelines, allocating resources, and setting realistic goals for the research project.
Semester 3 and 4
Partner University Module title ECTS Module Status* Description
University of Coimbra Research Challenges in Cellular Biology and Biomedicine 3 Compulsory The topics are presented and discussed by students in a workshop on Research Challenges in Neurobiology and Biomedicine. 
University of Coimbra Joint IMAgein activities and transversal skills 6 Compulsory See joint activities descriptions 
University of Coimbra Dissertation in Biomedicine 57 Compulsory Research work, dissertation and thesis defense
Paris-Sorbonne Université (SU)

Second year in Sorbonne Université focuses on understanding how ageing relates to stress response adaptations, through their repair capacity and resilience. Third semester is composed of lecture and Fourth semester is dedicated to the Master Thesis.

At the end of the year the student will be able to: 
  • Describe the major theories that explain the process of aging, being critical regarding the evaluation and comparison of the different theories, thus developing an understanding of the aging process. The student should be able to discuss the molecular mechanisms underlying cellular aging, including the role of DNA damage, telomeres damage and cellular senescence.
  • Define tissue homeostasis and its importance in maintaining the balance of cell proliferation and cell death in tissues.
  • Define aging processes specific to skeletal muscles, cardiac muscles, and vascular muscles. The student should be able to explore molecular, cellular, and structural changes associated with aging in these muscle tissues.
  • Summarize age-related pathologies affecting skeletal, cardiac, and vascular muscles, understanding the implications of these pathologies on overall health and well-being.
  • Assess and analyze the impact of muscular aging and associated pathologies on the quality of life in aging individuals.
  • Explore the cellular and molecular mechanisms that contribute to physiological regeneration and tissue maintenance and its potential application for treating neurodegenerative diseases, injuries and age-related conditions.
  • Explain the role of stem cells in ageing. The students should be able to summarize the changes stem cell undergo with age and the consequences of the stem cell exhaustion for the human organism.
  • Master the skills of conducting a thorough literature review to analyze the current state of the scientific question, identifying gaps and areas of interest.
  • Proficient critical thinking skills to evaluate existing research, methodologies, and findings related to the chosen scientific question.
  • Be expert of chosen laboratory techniques, methodologies, and experimental procedures relevant to the specific field of study. The student will be able to independently design and plan experiments, including hypothesis formulation, identification of variables, and consideration of controls, collect and analyze experimental data.
  • Show highly developed skills in written and oral communication skills by documenting experimental procedures, recording results and presenting findings to peers or supervisors.
  • Present project management skills, including planning timelines, allocating resources, and setting realistic goals for the research project.
Semester 3
Partner University Module title ECTS Module Status* Description
Sorbonne Université 5BL01 Mechanisms and experimental models of aging 12 Compulsory Course aiming to acquire high-level training in the field of biology of aging by dealing with the concepts and issues of aging and longevity with lectures being given by specialists from academic research and covering, among other things, i) evolutionary and other theories of biological aging; ii) model systems for studying aging (iii) genetic approaches as well as global approaches to the study of the biology of aging; iv) mechanisms of cellular senescence; v) maintenance and repair systems: vi) the role of oxidative stress and vi) pathologies associated with aging.
Sorbonne Université 5BL03 Developing and managing a research project 6 Compulsory Conceptual and methodological training to acquire the necessary tools to design and manage a research project. Development and implementation of an experimental approach allowing to answer a question asked: analysis of the state of a scientific question, design of an experiment, development of an experimental protocol. During the tutorials, the student will learn how to use the available means (bibliographic materials, preliminary data, etc.) to design their research project, which will be developed during the S4 internship. 
Sorbonne Université 5BL05 Aging and regeneration of muscle tissues 6 Compulsory Course aiming to provide knowledge in the field of skeletal, cardiac and vascular muscular aging, emphasizing on the specific issues of muscle tissue aging, associated pathologies and its impact on quality of life. Presentation of the various regenerative therapeutic approaches which cover gene therapy, cell therapy, physical activity, and innovative pharmacotherapies aimed at slowing down the progression of aging. 
Sorbonne Université Inflammatory diseases and handicap  6 Free choice Course aimed at presenting in details of the cellular and molecular bases of various inflammatory pathologies which can lead to a significant handicap. The various current therapeutic strategies are also addressed. 
Sorbonne Université 5BIP07 Science and society 6 Free choice Course aimed at discussing in English scientific issues or topics that have societal repercussion. To achieve such goal, participants are asked to work in small groups on a particular topic that they will present and discuss in front of the other participants. The questions raised during a session have to be answered or discussed during the following presentation of the students addressing the topic. The purpose of this organization is to increase both discussions between participants and the expertise of the lecturers. 
Sorbonne Université 5BIP05 Cancer and environment 6 Free choice Course aimed at giving a vision of cancer, not through the cell cycle, but through the environment since pollution, sedentary lifestyles and eating habits are recognized risk factors for cancer today. The translational lectures may range from gene regulation to therapeutic targets, making it possible to identify the specificity of cancers as organ pathologies, by declining their specificities. 
Sorbonne Université Joint IMAgein activities and transversal skills 6 Compulsory See joint activities descriptions 

* Modules status: 

-“Compulsory” means this module has to be attended during a semester at the corresponding partner".
-“1st/2nd slot” means only one of the module with the exact same mention has to be chosen.
-“Free choice” means the module can be chosen freely by the student to attain the required 30 ECTS per semester.