Administrative jungle


Each partner shall be solely liable for any loss incused by, or damage or injury to, third partners, resulting from its own actions in the execution of the IMAgein programme. Each partner shall be fully responsible for the performance of any part of its share of the agreement and for the requirements of insurance and social security for its personnel, involved herein. With respect to any injury to any person or any damage to any property of any person occurring at any establishment of any of the partners in the course or arising out of their execution of the IMAgein programme, the partner at whose establishment the injury or damage occurs, shall be solely responsible for the payment of compensation to such extent as this partner shall be under a legal liability in respect of such injury or damage. This article shall not apply with respect to any such injury or damage, the causing of which is attributable to any act of a servant or agent of any of the partners, committed with the intention of causing harm to any person or property or with reckless disregard for the consequences of his act.

 Université Côte d'Azur will be responsible for student insurance in a full cover package. The student is obliged to accept the necessary insurance related to the activities for the full duration of the study period. The insurance “package” that will be provided to all students will ensure protection for:
  • risks such as medical costs (hospitalization, dental, maternity, mental disease, rehabilitation care…), accident, death, permanent disability, personal liability, assistance / repatriation, luggage (delay, loss, damage or theft), delayed aircraft…
  • worldwide travel required for the participation in the IMAgein programme
  • mobility periods in both programme and partner countries
The Coordinating University has already negotiated with APRIL International a full insurance package for mobility, personal liability and basic health insurance during mobility. This pack will provide full coverage for each student for the duration of the programme. This insurance package will be paid for by the Coordinating University for each student on the general budget of the programme.


Inclusiveness & Individual Needs of Students

IMAgein will take special care on the inclusion of students with special needs. We are also very aware of gender gap in natural sciences in general, therefore, special care will be taken to equally include women and men in all aspects of IMAgein implementation (e.g student selection, staff, project board composition).

Gender equality promotion actions: The project administration will be responsible for promoting and overseeing the gender equality plan. The strategy is (i) to include both sexes; (ii) to ensure a balanced representation of female/male in the planned knowledge exchange flow between the partners (iii) to ensure that females have the same chance as male team members to participate in secondments/work supervision and provided/received training activities/benefits; and (iv) to encourage the talented female scientists and engineers to represent the project in formal events.

IMAgein will work in close relationship with local teams at each partner HEI dedicated to students/staff with special needs, in agreement with their specific support plans. Local International Offices will be also aware of how to implement mobilities for people with special needs.

IMAgein will promote these values as they are priorities to partners institutions: