How to apply

Student eligibility and criteria

Students will be requested to provide following documents for the joint application procedure, meeting the requirements set in the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree Programme guide:
  • A completed application form (online) where information is given about personal information & educational background
  • A copy of their ID card or passport  
  • A Bachelor degree in life sciences, biology, medicine, genetics, biotechnology, veterinary sciences, or other equivalent degrees with a minimum of 180 obtained ECTS
  • Legal copies of diplomas and an official translation in English must be provided, if the original language is not one of the official languages of the coordinators (all languages other than Portuguese, French, German, Spanish, or English need to be translated into English). If the diploma is not yet obtained at the time of application (e.g. student is in their last year of Bachelor study), an original proof of enrolment and a most recent transcript of records must be provided. Students who did not obtain their Bachelor degree before the official academic start of the IMAgein joint programme will be excluded from the start of the IMAgein joint programme
  • Copies of diploma supplements stating previously followed courses and scores obtained per course and a translation in any of the languages stated above of the official transcript of records
  •  A curriculum vitae with details on age, academic records and quality/recognition of the institution having awarded the bachelor or equivalent degree;
  • English proficiency  
  • Proof of professional experiences, awards of honour or other relevant recognitions in the field of life sciences
  • Motivation letter
  • Personalized Training Plan which details their educational, professional & mobility goals during the IMAgein joint programme (a template of the document will be available on the IMAgein website and will have to be submitted completed and signed, in order to be considered in the selection process
  • 2 recommendation letters in English

Student selection and Admission

The Consortium as a whole, through the IMAgein Selection Committee (ISC), decides selections and admissions to the IMAgein joint programme. Applicants will apply on a dedicated online plateforme managed by the IMAgein Coordination Office (ICO).

Phase 1:

A careful selection of the participants will be performed based on the documentation submitted.  
Partners jointly agreed how points will be given by the ISC to each application, on a scale from 0 to 10, making use of the following selection criteria:  
  • Academic scores (40%),
  • Language skills (eligible or not eligible),
  • reference letters (10%),  
  • Overall quality of the Curriculum Vitae (30%) and/or other experiences,
  • Relevance of the proposed Personalized Training Plan (10%)
  • Motivation letter (10%).  
Only if the total score obtained is higher or equal to 6,5 (2/3 of the maximum), the candidate is considered eligible for admission. Any ranking lower than 6,5/10 will not be considered for further evaluation. The ranking obtained in the selection procedure will be strictly respected throughout the admission decision process and the awarding of grants.  


Phase 2: 

A shortlist of the 50 best score-ranked applicants will be interviewed by at least 2 to 3 randomly selected members of the ISC who will give them a second score on a scale from 0 to 10. The ISC will then establish the final ranked list of candidates based on the addition of Phase 1 and Phase 2 scores (total score on a 6,5 to 20 scale).

 Student scholarship allocation  

In parallel with the selection & admission process, a main list and a reserve list of Erasmus-Mundus scholarship-holder candidates will be constructed by the ISC, validated by the IB and sent to the EACEA agency. The selection of scholarship recipients also uses the previously mentioned Phase 1 and Phase 2 scores. Based the total score obtained (on a 6,5 to 20 scale) and an overall ranking will be made, and scholarships will be proposed according to the geographic regulations set for Erasmus Mundus scholarships. Students that are not selected for the scholarship but that are still academically eligible for the programme will be offered to join the programme as non-scholarship holders and put on a reserve list for scholarships in case an admitted student declines scholarship or admission.


 The coordinator will inform the HEI partners about the students who confirm attendance to their courses in the following academic year by early May for all non-EU students and all EU students that applied by the end of the scholarship application deadline and by mid-June for EU students that applied on a self-funding basis. All students are first enrolled in the coordinating university (as 'pro-forma' students) and then at least on a semester basis in the universities where they perform their studies. They might as well all be enrolled at the other partner universities in a similar status as at the coordinating university if this is required to issue the multiple diplomas. In this case no additional costs will be foreseen for this additional enrolment. The Student Agreement provides the details of the relationship between the parties; and defines the rights and obligations for both parties associated with their participation in the IMAgein joint programme for the total duration of the educational programme. This document will be signed at the beginning of the programme, by the student and the Consortium Coordinator Partner representative.

Appeal Procedure

Appeals will only be considered if the applicant believes there has been a failure in the admission procedure or an anlawful discrimination. Where an appeal does not produce the outcome sought by the applicant, reasons should be given for any decision. The ICO is encouraged to acknowledge when an error has been made and to take steps to ensure that similar problems do not arise in future.